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The Vehicle Management System will include the following features:
Vehicle Management

Add, update, and delete vehicles.
Track vehicle details such as make, model, registration number, insurance, documentation, document re-newal and maintenance history.

SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)

Define and document standard operating procedures for vehicle management and safety.

Employee Management

Manage employee information, Designation, Department, Manage Driver Category, License, Performance and manage requisitions.
Assign employees to specific vehicles.

Vehicle Requisition Management

Request and approve vehicle requisitions for business purposes.
Monitor the status of vehicle requisitions.

Vehicle Maintenance Management

Schedule and track vehicle maintenance and repairs.
Maintain maintenance history and costs.

Re-fueling Management

Record and manage fuel consumption and refueling for vehicles.
Manage Re-fuel Stations

Cost & Inventory Management

Track expenses related to vehicle operations and maintenance.
Manage vehicle parts and inventory.

Purchase Management

Create and manage purchase orders for vehicle-related items and services.
Monitor purchase order status and expenses.
Mange Parts Purchease in Individual

Vendor Management

Maintain a database of vendors, their contact information, and services provided.
Evaluate vendor performance.

Pick & Drop Management

Schedule and manage pick-up and drop-off services for driver.

Documents Management

Store and organize vehicle and driver related documents such as insurance, registration, nid and permits.

Logistics Management

Plan and optimize vehicle routes for efficient logistics operations.
Track shipment and delivery status.

Budgeting Management

Create and manage budgets for vehicle operations and maintenance.

Workshop Management

Manage vehicle maintenance tasks and scheduling in a workshop.

Training Driver Management

Track driver training, certifications, and compliance.

Accident Issues Management

Report, record, and manage accidents and incident data.


Generate various reports, including but not limited to:
Employee Report
Driver Report
Vehicle Status Report
Vehicle Requisition Report
Pick & Drop Report
Fuel Report
Purchase Report
Maintenance Report
Expense Report
Inventory Report
Document Re-newal Report

Role Permission Management

Define and manage roles and permissions for system access.

Languages Management

Support multiple languages for the user interface.

User Management

Administer user accounts, roles, and access control.

Site Settings

Configure site-specific settings and preferences.

System Settings

Configure system-wide settings, including database connections, email settings, and other parameters.


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